Director’s Message

St Joseph’s Convent School is for students and their families who aspire to conquer the limitless. It is founded for those who want to walk to the future with confidence.

World has become too small so much to be called as a Global Village, with the technological and communication advancements. So much so it raises also end number of challenges for our young generation. Though world has many things to be appreciated it also has many things yet to be changed and transformed. In order to face these realities our young generation requires an education which surpasses mere academics.

St Joseph’s Convent School provides an education that focuses on holistic development of children, which includes academic, emotional and social growth, development of their physical, artistic and literary skills, personal and community values, nurturing the nature and the community they live. Our education is aimed to equip them to raise questions and solve problems for which students require to improve comprehension and analytical skills. Our education is absolutely driven by the idea that knowledge should be applied in real life situations.

However, we are absolutely aware that education does not happen in the confines of four walls. Students learn from experiences, experiments, social relations and even from failures. World is the best teacher! Many of our children fail just because they do not have ‘that world.’ St Joseph’s Convent School is committed to provide a WORLD where student can learn everything to succeed in life.

St Joseph’s Convent School opens a whole new world of knowledge, experiences, exposures and applications in a most child friendly manner.

Dr Jose Vallikatt
MA, PhD  (RMIT Melbourne, Australia)