Highlights of Our Education

Highlights of Our Education

A. World of Knowledge

At SJC School students would not lack any opportunity to acquire knowledge. This will prepare them to perform best in examinations and to choose a career path.

Critical Thinking And Analytical Approach

Learning is not simply memorising some knowledge. It is useless unless they are not able to think for themselves and apply the learned knowledge in real life situations. This has been facilitated by making the students think critically and analyse the data and information they have in front of them

Smart Education, Smart Students

Smartness consists in the best ability to solve problems. Only a smart education can create smart students. Our education system comprises various teaching methods comprising theoretical exposition, learning by doing, as well as opening a world of knowledge through Technologised Smart Classrooms. Our blackboards have been supplemented by Interactive Screens which enable the students to learn, understand and grasp various subjects through Interactive Programs, Videos and Simulations.