St Joseph’s Convent School is an esteemed educational institution which envisions holistic and integral education for its students. We commit to provide quality education that helps students to develop all their faculties. We believe in inclusive education and have made education of their children as much affordable to their parents.

Equal Opportunity

Among the various objectives and initiatives Mercy Foundation undertakes, education gets prime importance. Modern education is a process of learning from real-life experiences as well as by sensing the various happenings in our society. Only in this way does education become relevant to everyday life. Individuals must be provided with educational possibilities in order to fully develop their identities. Read More…

Play and Fun

Most children fail to achieve greater goals through education, just because the present education system does not interest them. They feel education as a burden. St Joseph’s Convent School makes education interesting by incorporating play and fun activities in education.

In the initial phase and primary section we use a lot of Montessori methods and focus on encouraging children to learn through “meaningful play.” Read More…

Life Skills

Education does not solely occur in classrooms and from books. The purpose of education is to make a person succeed in life. At St. Joseph’s Convent School, we give prime importance to leaning life skills. A meaningful life is achieved through mental well being, self-awareness, skills for appreciating humanity in others as well as working towards well being in one’s community. Our goal is also to decrease human suffering through the mercy approach. Read More…

Data Centre

Even in the digital age, there is no substitute for books. They are the source of knowledge and are the most important aspect of our education. St Joseph’s School has a well furnished library and computer lab. We encourage students and teachers to read more.

Teachers Development

Our best resource is the qualified and committed teachers. Our teachers are innovative and creative. Our Teacher Development Programme (TDP) provides opportunity to our teachers to keep updated with latest curriculum, education methods, and technology. The TDP provides inputs on communication and inter-personal skills, creativity, problem solving, achievement and motivation. The training methodology includes case studies, group discussion, games, simulation exercise, visits and classroom lectures. Read More…


Not all students and their families can afford to have quality education. St. Joseph’s Convent School in association with its mother Trust Mercy Foundation tries to organise some scholarship programmes. Our aim is to provide inclusive education and equal opportunity for all. The scholarships are primarily meant to support financially poor and socially weaker students. Read More…